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how to change number on instagram [easy]

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 how to change number on instagram 2022

how to change number on instagram 2022
how to change number on instagram 2022

Facebook and Instagram encourage users to add their phone numbers to their accounts to improve security to use two-factor authentication, but some may resort to change number on instagram for any reason.


There are a variety of reasons why you might wish to update your phone number on Instagram; most likely, you recently received a new one and are updating other applications and accounts that still have your old number on file.


Alternatively, you may choose to delete your phone number for privacy reasons or change it to one that you use more regularly.


It is not required to add your phone number on Instagram, It's completely up to you whether or not you want to include it in your personal information settings.


 However, there are some instances where adding your phone number is advantageous, such as in account recovery.


If you add your phone number in your profile, Instagram can use it to authenticate your identity or keep you updated during the account recovery process if you need to go through it for any reason.


If you joined up for your Instagram account using your phone number and now wish to modify or remove it, I recommend first changing your email address on your Instagram account.


This is because changing your phone number might be difficult, and if you don't link your email address to your account, you risk losing access to your Instagram account permanently.


Here are the steps you should take to change the Instagram phone number:


  1.      Launch the Instagram app on your phone and go to your profile section.
  2.      Click on the "Edit Profile" section to be able to change the settings on your account.
  3.      Scroll down and under the Private Information section find the phone number.
  4.      Delete the previous phone number and enter your new phone number.


On Instagram, who can see my phone number?


Nobody until you specifically request them. Your phone number will not appear on your Instagram profile if you save it. In fact, unless you want to market it in your Instagram profile bio, it will not be seen at all.


If you're operating an Instagram business account for a store, for example, you can add your phone number there so that visitors to your profile can instantly connect to the store with a click or two—really it's simple to make a custom if that's your objective.

Will my previous phone number be removed if I change my Instagram phone number?


Yes, this is true. Because you can only have one phone number kept on Instagram at a time, the old number must be erased or updated before the new one can be used.


What does Instagram do with my phone number?


This is your personal information; it will not be displayed on your profile and will instead be maintained (theoretically) exclusively by Instagram in the event of account recovery troubles or other similar circumstances.


However, we strongly advise you to read the complete terms and conditions for using Instagram when you first join up (or whenever you have the opportunity after that), so you know just how "private" your information is.


To restate, uploading any phone number to Instagram is completely optional, so don't feel pressured to do so if you don't feel completely comfortable doing so.
