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How to update apps on Android [Easy]

الصفحة الرئيسية

how to update apps on samsung 2022 ?

One of the best things about using the Android Market to get new software for your Samsung Galaxy is that it notifies you when new versions of the software you download are available, and when a new version of any app is available, you will see that it has been flagged for update, which is why updating apps on a Samsung is simple.

how to update apps on samsung 2022
how to update apps on samsung 2022 


Why do we update apps on our phones ?


There are a variety of reasons why these updates are available and should be implemented:


  • Fixes for bugs


App updates aim to repair and correct issues in apps, which are typical failures or difficulties that many users have reported.


Developers are reacting by developing solutions and providing app upgrades to address these concerns. As a result, the next time you open an app after an update, you may see that the issues have been resolved.


  • Improvements in performance


If the apps are not kept up to date, they may have performance issues, such as crashing or slowing down.

These upgrades help to improve the overall performance of your device in a roundabout way.


  • Features that are new


Developers add new features to applications on a regular basis via app upgrades. This includes modifications to the user interface (UI) that make app design more intuitive and simple to use.


  • protection


Another reason to update apps on a regular basis is to increase security. Hackers can take advantage of obsolete apps to hijack your phone and obtain access to your personal data.


To keep your devices, applications, and data safe, you can prevent this by applying app updates on a regular basis.


Is it vital to keep Android applications up to date?


It is advised that you update the applications on a frequent basis for the reasons stated above.


Even if you are not accustomed to upgrading applications, you should do so for those that are enabled on your phone and that you use on a daily or frequent basis.


how to update apps on Samsung?


Update your applications on a regular basis to keep them functioning properly, so discover how to check for app updates on your Samsung phone.


  • Step 1:

From the home screen, swipe up to open the menu.


  • Step 2:

Click on Play Store.


  • Step 3:

Press the menu icon.


  • The fourth step:

Click on My apps and games.


If an update is available, it will be displayed under Updates.


  • Fifth step:

To install the update, choose the app and follow the onscreen instructions.


What is the best way to update Android applications automatically?


There is an easier approach if you don't have time to go to Google Play and manually update Android apps.


You may manually update your applications by navigating to Settings on your Google Play profile. After you've logged in, tap Not Public, then Auto Update Apps.


Auto-update apps will show you three options:


  1. over any network.
  2. Via WiFi only.
  3. Do not update apps automatically.
  4. Make sure to select the Over WiFi option, and you are good to go.


Even if the automated update mechanism is in place, it's a good idea to double-check for any apps that haven't been updated.


Note: If you have a lot of applications to update, utilize wifi rather than mobile data.


Updating too many applications at once might use up a lot of your mobile data plan.


Follow the steps below to ensure that you only update apps while you're connected to the internet:


  1. Open the Play Store app.
  2. Click the More settings icon at the top left (the three horizontal lines).
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. Click on the app download preference.
  5. Select over wifi only (select over any network if you don't have wifi.(
  6. Click Done.


That concludes our discussion. We hope you have a good understanding of how to check for app updates on your Samsung Forever by now.


This ensures that the applications receive all of the necessary updates and that the issue does not become a problem for your device.

How do you keep your Android apps up to date? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Also, don't forget to share the story on social media with others.
